A few Landscape: Before and After Pictures of work done in May 2024

Trees and shrubs planted along River to provide bank stabilization.

Trees planted around Brown Bear Cabin to provide privacy while inside the cabin.

Trees planted around Black Bear Cabin to provide Privacy while guests use shared pavilion.

New Willow gate, allows access to the property in a unique and natural way.

Native Alaskan plants planted: 18 American Cranberry, 25 Woods Rose , 27 Alpine currants, 6 Saskatoon Serviceberry, 16 Ostrich Fern, 22 Cransbill Geranium, 32 iris, and 26 kinnickinnik.

Installed 19 Alaskan white spruce, 6 Paper Birch, 19 Quaking Aspen to replace trees removed in 2022.

A defined and welcoming place to relax.

The view in between Brown Bear and Black Bear Cabin provides a shared space, but is private enough you won’t intrude on your neighbor.